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The 4 Most Common Types of Distractions While Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 3,142 people lost their lives in 2020 from distracted driving. And yet, when we think about distraction, most people focus on the most notorious culprit: cell phone distraction. However, there are many factors that can distract a driver behind the wheel. Keep reading as we highlight the top four driving distractions drivers should avoid on the road.

driver distracted by cellphone on road

1. Eating and Drinking

At times, we have to grab a quick bite on the go. After all, isn't that the whole idea behind drive-throughs? A recent survey showed that 56.7% of Americans find eating perfectly normal while driving. However, eating and drinking while driving can be a risk, as using one hand to eat/drink can seriously limit your ability to respond to hazards on the road.

2. Navigation Tools

We have become heavily reliant on GPS to get us from one point to the next. But taking your attention off the road for a second to glance at the directions may cost you your life. If you must use a GPS, mount it where you can easily see it and switch to the loudspeaker to avoid looking at your screen repeatedly.

3. Hair and Makeup

Let's face it; many of us live on the go. Sometimes, you barely have enough time to look your best before leaving for work. Sadly, most people have decided that driving presents the perfect opportunity to put on those finishing touches, such as combing their hair, using deodorant, or adding lipstick. Not surprisingly, such last-minute touch-ups can cause fatal accidents.

4. Handling Pets

It is common knowledge that driving with your pet loose in the car is unsafe. However, when in a rush, that is one mistake that is often overlooked. When pets are allowed to run around the car freely, they become a source of distraction and may cause a car accident.

Your Safety Comes First

We all have a duty to manage distractions while in the driver's seat. That said, not all distractions are inside our cars. A group of people arguing, a construction site, bright lights, or an issue with your vehicle can be sources of distractions. In light of this, the best way to stay clear of distracted driving is to keep your eyes on the road and ensure your car is in good condition. At Custom Complete Automotive, we can help you keep your car in tip top shape to minimize hazards and distractions. To learn more about our auto repair services, contact us today!

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About the Author
Eric Riddles

Eric Riddles is an ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician who has been working as an auto mechanic since 1998 and originally joined the team at Custom Complete Automotive in 2005. Eric has numerous certifications in various aspects of car repair and spent 10 years training the next generation of auto technicians at a local high school Auto Shop classroom.

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