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4 Reasons to Keep Your Car Clean

Is your car as clean as it could be? Considering how much time the average person spends in their car each week commuting, shopping, hauling kids around, and more, it's as important to keep your car clean as it is to keep your home tidy. Keep reading to discover four reasons to keep your car clean.

cleaning car exterior

The Psychological Benefits of a Clean Car

A clean car is good for your peace of mind. Just tossing trash, decluttering the interior and trunk, and cleaning the windows can make you feel better about your vehicle and yourself. You'll definitely feel better about offering others a ride too! In addition, ridding your car’s interior of clutter, dirt, and grime can help lighten the load your vehicle is carrying, reducing the amount of gas you’ll need to move from place to place. Drivers of dirty, smaller cars stand to waste the most gas, since the percentage is based on the amount of extra weight relative to the car's factory weight. You'll experience less stress at the pump when you know you're saving expensive fuel by driving a clean car.

A Clean Car is a Safer Car

In order to keep yourself, your passengers, and other drivers safe, it is important to keep areas that affect your visibility clean.

  • Clean windows on the inside and out
  • Keep rearview and side mirrors clean
  • Clean headlights regularly for the maximum amount of light

Additionally, a clean car can also contribute to improved cabin air quality. Bacteria and other microbes love the steering wheel, door handles, vents, and other places that are either touched frequently or rarely cleaned. You can improve the air quality in your car just by wiping down these areas and vacuuming your car's interior regularly. Riding in a clean car is especially important for babies and people with breathing problems like asthma or COPD.

A Well-Maintained Car Has a Better Resale Value

A clean, well-maintained car is also important in retaining its resale value. Regular vacuuming and an occasional deep cleaning can help keep the upholstery in good shape and using a leather conditioner will help keep leather seats looking new. On the exterior, dirt, grime, and salt can cause scratches to your car’s paint. Eventually, that can lead to corrosion and rust. Regular washing and waxing will help protect your car's paint job, keeping it looking brand new.

Cleaning Your Car Can Help Prevent Costly Repairs

Cleaning your car is a great opportunity to catch problems while they're still small and easy to fix. Fixing small issues early can prevent costly repairs down the road. At Custom Complete Automotive, our certified technicians are here to help keep your car well-maintained and in excellent condition. To learn more about our auto services, or to schedule an appointment at one of our Missouri locations, contact us today!

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About the Author
Eric Riddles

Eric Riddles is an ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician who has been working as an auto mechanic since 1998 and originally joined the team at Custom Complete Automotive in 2005. Eric has numerous certifications in various aspects of car repair and spent 10 years training the next generation of auto technicians at a local high school Auto Shop classroom.

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